Didaktikos konspektas anglų kalba. Defining methodology MFLT (why what how). Methodology syllabus. General areas of teacher concern at the lesson. T-L interaction model in the present day. Implications for the T (iceberg metaphor). 3 P’s and stages in other types of lesson models. Describing teachers. Describing learners. Grammar translation vs audiolingualism. Traditionalism vs the communicative approach in foreign language teaching. Communicative competence. The approach adopted to foreign language learning. General competences. Communicative language competences. General didactic and subject-principles in MFL teaching. Aims and objectives in MFL teaching. The components of content of MFL teaching at school. The "future" curriculum in MFL teaching. The principled approach in syllabus design. The four communicative skills: processes, situations, tasks. Communicative language processes. Language use: situations, text-types and activities in speech and writing. Communicative language activities and strategies. Task description. The three language knowledge areas (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) as a component of content. General notions and specific topic areas (based on "Threshold level 1990"). Language/communicative functions in MFL teaching. Teaching how to learn+learner training. Reading is 1 of the 4 communicative skills. The process of teaching reading in the classroom. Teaching the productive skills (speaking and writing) at school. Stages in the process of writing and the role of feedback in the process of writer training. Project work in the learning-centered classroom. Criteria for textbook evaluation and selection. Role of assessment in language learning. Kinds of assessment. Stages in progress test development. Types of assessment. Kinds of test and their general characterictics. Criterion-referenced vs norm-referenced assessment. Foreign language teaching and learning versus testing. Models of teacher learning and major theories of teaching. Sample Professional Profile of the European Language Teacher (ELT).